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  1. S

    My Timeline for BC PNP

    You are definitely right, BCGuy, BC is beautiful and life is good~ I am very happy of who I am~
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    My Timeline for BC PNP

    What field are you in? I live in Nanaimo and if you want to get a job in tourism industry, I think I can give you some suggestions~
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    My Timeline for BC PNP

    I am working at the Best Western Hotel as a Front Desk Clerk. Yes, I did include a copy of my employment letter with my application.
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    My Timeline for BC PNP

    Hi all, I cannot wait to tell you guys how fast the BC PNP is now. Here is my timeline that I would like to share with you and wish everyone luck. Sumitted my application on May 7, 09 BC PNP office asked for further information on May 11, 09 Handed in further infomation that the office asked...
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    How can I check for my PNP (BC) application status? Thanks so much!

    I called the general call centre today and ask for my case process. Too bad that the lady said she cannot tell me anything because I just hand in my application... I tried to ask for the name of my case advisor, the call centre lady said she cannot let me know. The reason why I want to ask...
  6. S

    How can I check for my PNP (BC) application status? Thanks so much!

    Thank you for all your answers~ Every little hint for me would be a great help. Wish BC GUY will see my post~
  7. S

    How can I check for my PNP (BC) application status? Thanks so much!

    Hi all, I am a newbie in this forum and wish I can get some answers in here. I summited my application on May 07, 09 and got my file number on May 12, 09. Can anyone tell me where can I check for my application status? Also how can I know who is reviewing my case(the officer's name) if I...
  8. S

    BC PNP - My timeline

    Daan, your PNP file was processed very fast!!! Congraz~~~ I handed in my documents to BC PNP on May 7,09 and have received my file number on May 12,09. However, the email I received from the BC PNP office stated that now the PNP process will taken about 10-12 weeks... Really hope it won't take...