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Search results

  1. K

    Applied as "Common Law" and got married after, now what?

    My husband and I were married in Ontario (May) and we had to wait 8-10 weeks after getting married before being able to apply (costs extra) for the actual marriage certificate. It may be different in other provences, so I'd suggest looking through the paperwork you have from the officient at the...
  2. K

    Working under the table.. what are the real risks?

    If she is bored, she could learn new skills doing vouleneer work :)
  3. K

    Finished and finally mailed my Visa

    Thank-you for sharing! I'm just gettiing started with our application, and it's encouraged me to keep going and get it done asap :D Have a great day, and good luck!
  4. K

    Photocopies of pictures

    If you have trouble with the suggestions above, you could scan the photos you need to send at a photo kiosk. I noticed the other day that Wal-Mart have that service and are cheap too ;D You will not get the photos back if you send originals.
  5. K

    Outland or Inland? Canadian & Aussie

    hahaha yeah, I can understand with him being the man...having to stay home and not be the bread winner can be upsetting. I'm going to look into doing volunteer work after we submit our package. That way I'll still be sane by the time I am allowed to work again!
  6. K

    How many are sponsoring to Ontario, just curious.

    I'm no conesour of wings, but I have had great wings from Wingporium 995 Islington Ave (south of Bloor/Nth of Queensway). It's a small sports bar with 88 flavours. 24hr TTC (bus service) there too, and it's a safe area :)
  7. K

    How many are sponsoring to Ontario, just curious.

    sharmei17 ruff part = dangerous part of town. most likely drugs/violence/gangs. sorry to tell you the not so pretty news.
  8. K

    How many are sponsoring to Ontario, just curious.

    Etobicoke, western part of Toronto. I leave in a couple of days to be with my fiance. Can't wait. Australia is beautiful, but doesn't feel like home. The first day I was in Toronto a few years ago, I knew I was home...when I met my fiance, I KNEW I was home :)
  9. K

    Marriage was really quick, issue?

    I recently read on another forum (a story from a former CIC employee), that even though one couple had a huge wedding with all the bells & whistles, family etc..., the visa was denied because they could tell it was an arranged marriage/marriage of convenience. This is not to make you worry, this...
  10. K

    applying in canada or outside....

    I will be joining my Canadian fiance in Toronto in a couple of days. I'm Aussie, met him while there on a 2yr work visa, and am going over as a visitor. To cover my ass, I got a US visa waiver and a bus ticket from Toronto to NYC ($16 with mega bus) to show I'm leaving the country if they ask...
  11. K

    Work permit

    You may get someone who knows about this if you asked your question in the study visa section :)
  12. K

    Outland or Inland? Canadian & Aussie

    Ah, thank-you for the extra info! I knew I couldn't work & fortunately this is not an issue for us. It is great to know we can be together and apply out-land...we've been apart for almost 5 months now after my work visa ran out. I will be entering as a visitor next month and we are planning...
  13. K

    Outland or Inland? Canadian & Aussie

    Thank-you canadianwoman for the confirmation, have a great day/night!
  14. K

    Outland or Inland? Canadian & Aussie

    Thanks missmini :) I've been looking thru this forum, but couldn't find a definite answer in amongst all the posts...so thank-you very much for your help!
  15. K

    Outland or Inland? Canadian & Aussie

    Thanks for that :) Did you look into inland at all? If so, what was the downside for you?
  16. K

    Outland or Inland? Canadian & Aussie

    Hi everyone! My partner is going to be sponsoring me in the upcoming months as his spouse. We will both be in Canada during the process. We need to know wether it is possible for us to lodge an out-land application, or would I have to be in Australia for that? I am asking as it is my...
  17. K

    How I organized our applcation and a summary of all helpful tips I have learned

    Darling, you are a life saver!!!! Thank-you so much for taking the time to do this *big hug*!!!! My partner is about to sponsor me (I'm Australian), but I'm going to have to be the one responsible for all the paperwork (I am the female lol!). I was dreading the thought of doing it all for fear...
  18. K

    Spouse application rules changed!!!!!!

    Thanks for that info...I've just read through it all, and it poses no threat to anyone doing everything legally, nor any threat to those who respect their partners & families. I'm new to all this, but am very surprised that these issued had not been revised earlier by Canadian Immigration.
  19. K

    Can we still apply common-law partners? Please share your stories with me!

    Hi there, your situation sounds similar to my partner and I. I'm Australian, he is Canadian in Toronto. I met him while on a 2yr work visa, lived with him for 14months before returning to Australia when visa expired (I didn't realize it could be extended...grrrr!!!) I have been in Australia...
  20. K

    Spousal sponsorship

    Thank-you...very helpful & easy to understand! One can go cross-eyed reading countless immigration pages on-line and it has put most of what I have read into an easy to read page for my man! ;D Have a great day!