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  1. C

    Proof of Funds - $2500....

    I can prove I have it in my account anyway. If I carry say $1000 in cash and can prove $1500 in my account will they consider that proof enough or does the full amount have to be on a bank statement?
  2. C

    Proof of Funds - $2500....

    I have been granted my IEC Visa and will be flying to Canada in a week's time. I have a one way flight. My question is regarding this: a) "Before entering Canada, I will ensure I have one of the following that I can demonstrate at the port of entry: a ticket for my departure from Canada or...
  3. C

    British Citizen-Visitor VISA,no expiry date on passport

    Hi there, Essentially there should be no problems at the border if you are a visitor/British passport holder. The questions they will ask you are standard/straightforward and you should answer them honestly... It depends how long you indicate you are going to stay for as to whether they might...
  4. C

    British Citizen-Visitor VISA,no expiry date on passport

    Excellent, merci beaucoup.
  5. C

    British Citizen-Visitor VISA,no expiry date on passport

    Oh-further to that, based on my visitor visa expiry date now presumably being in late June, is it recommended to apply for extensions nearer to the time or as early as possible? Additionally, as I am financially reliant on my partner here, is it the case that he would need to be appointed as my...
  6. C

    British Citizen-Visitor VISA,no expiry date on passport

    Thank you; very useful. No no, voluntary work would be strictly charitable/wouldn't involve any handling of money/stipends or reimbursed expenses so I presume I would be OK on that front, but I will definitely check before embarking on anything. Thanks again.
  7. C

    British Citizen-Visitor VISA,no expiry date on passport

    Thank you; I think I had a visitor card but it was taken from me at the airport. I estimated my stay at 120 days based on my return flight, so if they have granted that length of stay how would I know/find out/extend it?
  8. C

    British Citizen-Visitor VISA,no expiry date on passport

    To anyone who can help, I came out to Canada in late December to visit long term boyfriend/friends. At Immigration they asked me all the usual questions etc. and (red) stamped my passport but only with my date of entry...for some reason, I thought they were to give the date of expiry too? How...