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Search results

  1. M

    Federal application for QUEBEC workers from Buffalo, USA

    Thanks for the info! Again, congratulations and good luck!
  2. M

    Federal application for QUEBEC workers from Buffalo, USA

    Congratulations Beetlebum! Just one question: was your ECAS status "In Progress" before you received PPR? Thanks!
  3. M

    Application Received March/April/May 2011 Waiting For PPR

    Don't worry, there are plenty of us going through the absolute same situation.
  4. M

    Application Received March/April/May 2011 Waiting For PPR

    We don't have the "We started processing your application on..." line in our ECAS status either. Our address did disappear, along with some other people's, on late January, but nothing has happened since then and it's probably just the result of some routine maintenance on the system. It might...
  5. M

    Application Received March/April/May 2011 Waiting For PPR

    We are QSW applicants with similar timeline as yours and our status is pretty much the same.
  6. M

    Application Received March/April/May 2011 Waiting For PPR

    Not too long ago someone on this forum mentioned that he/she got a response saying that his/her files are complete and awaiting review. Don't know if it counted as 'in progress'.
  7. M

    Federal application for QUEBEC workers from Buffalo, USA

    Mine's still missing, and the status has stayed the same: Application Received.
  8. M

    Application Received March/April/May 2011 Waiting For PPR

    Any April applicants have their ECAS status changed to 'In Progress'? Or even better, already got PPR? Mine hasn't seen any development from MER since last November.