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  1. D

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    Hello all, I just have a question or questions lol......my husband is leaving next sunday to his country as per request due to denied refugee claim...and our papers are in but i havent heard back from them stating if im approved or not.....but with that being said once i am approved and he has...
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    need advice on situation

    we will.....i have a question tho.....he needs to apply for a arc at port of spain....now will they wait for our papers to be complete or can we request this right away so he can come back to canada for visits?.....also he has a job here and his boss is willing to hold his position for him as...
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    need advice on situation

    no where in miss. office......
  4. D

    need advice on situation

    Hes from St Lucia
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    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    where dealing with port of spain......ive been reading different reviews for them.......so scary lol
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    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    hello, it was sent on the 27th and recieved on the 30th..........feels like we have been waiting forever already
  7. D

    January 2012 Applicants - Join here!

    hello, Im a january 2012 applicant as well.............looking forward to advice
  8. D

    need advice on situation

    Hello, Im new to this site and have been reading through it faithfully everyday......my situation is as follows.... my husband came to canada in aug 2010 and went on refugee in oct 2010 with being told to appy for it and he could get a sin number to work.....him being unaware of the outcome of...