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  1. T

    language ability

    no ididnt gotanything yet , ill keep you update anyway wish me luck
  2. T

    Canada or Australia Migration

    correction •IELTS TRF Number to show you have a band score of at least six (6) on each of the four (4) components – speaking, reading, listening and writing.
  3. T

    IELTS dated after November 28, 2008 - Please radical solution

    Thanks for your replay i read it and per my understanding that they will give me according to new roles. but im afraid after all they will use the old system with me as i don’t know any one like my case i need a live case, if any one face this please post if the officer make the old...
  4. T

    IELTS dated after November 28, 2008 - Please radical solution

    Dears, Anyone have an old application and submite IELTS dated after November 28, 2008 and get points based on the new rules !!!!?? Please seniors help me on that my application date in 11-2007 i received request for update my documents May-2009 i have my IELTS in May-2009 as well if they...
  5. T

    IELTS rules

    Answer of my question is here http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/new-update-to-ielts-very-importnt-update-from-28112008-t12449.0.html this a really gr8 site
  6. T

    IELTS rules

    Thanks for your replay sorry for this mistake, anyway i can understand of what you sent that they will use the new rules for the IELTS for old application like my case ??
  7. T

    IELTS rules

    Dears I applyed under the old regulations (Since two years), as of now CIC have new rules reagrding IELTS score as Old rules: you needed 7/9 on any two bands and 5/9 on the other two. New rules: you need 6.5/9 on any two bands except Listening, and 5.5/9 on Listening and the other band...
  8. T

    Canada has reduced minimum IELTS score requirement for 4 points

    ITS TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CHECK THIS http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/EG72.asp go down till "Using your test results" Thanks GOD :)
  9. T

    Canada has reduced minimum IELTS score requirement for 4 points

    Dears, i have news if its true it will make many people here happy if its true referring to http://immig-canada.blogspot.com/2009/03/latest-changes-in-ielts-score.html#comment-form im not sure if its true or not, SO PLEASE EXPERTS CONFIRM THAT
  10. T

    Education Points

    Thanks, this is help but means that i need anther 2 point to get 67 point :'((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
  11. T

    Substitution for IELTS

    sorry no, i took exam 2 time and the different on my score with so littel first time i got 5.5 second 6 i don't believe it makes different
  12. T

    Education Points

    my highest degree is bachelor’s of tourism and hotels ( 4 years after high school)
  13. T

    Education Points

    Thanks for your replay with this data 5 years in primary school 3 years middle school 3 years high school ===================== Total school = 11 years ===================== 4 years in college ===================== Total all study = 15 Years should i apply with 1- "Obtained two or more...
  14. T

    Education Points

    dears i want to know how much points will i have in the "Skilled Worker Self-Assessment Factor 1 – Education" i spent 5 years in primary school 3 years middle school 3 years high school 4 years in college ================== 15 years what points should i take ??? "Obtained two or more...
  15. T

    language ability

    this is gr8 help thanks a 1,000,000 i hope they wouldn't ask for French evidence
  16. T

    language ability

    Thanks :) hope it work i dont know when it will came but i applied from KSA (trough UK office ) since 2 years now, do you have any idea how much it will take more ?? they start prossing my application in 1/07/2007 i just recievd letter from CIC since 6 months now just to confirm if im still...
  17. T

    language ability

    Thanks for your replay with my current score i meet the 67 points without the French if i consider that 7 = High Proficiency 6 and 5.5 = Moderate Proficiency Do i still go take the French exam ??? ( as i wrot it on my application since 2 years now and i just studed it for 3 years in my...
  18. T

    language ability

    Dears, i have two questions regarding the language ability 1- English: i wrote in my application that i have High Proficiency in all (read, writing, speak and listen) i took IELTS exam and i got over all score 6 as (5.5 for reading , 6 for writing, 7 for speak and 5.5 listen) my question...