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  1. M

    'Country of last permanent residence' question on the AINP009 form

    Hi, I have a question related to form/question AINP009/A.14 (country if last permanent residence) on what i need to fill in based on my criteria I'm a citizen of Pakistan but was born and raised in UAE and came to US for education when I was almost 17. Never lived in Pakistan. I'm currently on...
  2. M

    Alberta SRS For H1B Holders Category. Avail attroney's help?

    Hi, I have a question related to form/question AINP009/A.14 (country if last permanent residence) on what i need to fill in based on my criteria I'm a citizen of Pakistan but was born and raised in UAE and came to US for education when I was almost 17. Never lived in Pakistan. I'm currently on...