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  1. K

    CIC is not your recipient - Please help

    Date Requested Service Qty Fee Amount March 31, 2017 Archive Copy 1 $50.00 $50.00 March 31, 2017 ICAP Discount 1 ($20.00) ($20.00) March 31, 2017 Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) 1 $3.90 $3.90 Total Amount $33.90 Payment...
  2. K

    After ITA IELTS issue

    It is not a big issue. The most important thing is that you got your invitation before the expiration date. CIC will take that into consideration. That is why they locked your EOI, so that you cannot make any changes. Your application process is based on the information you provided before the...
  3. K

    I got a letter requesting for passport from CIC

    I would advice you to stamp your passport before traveling. If CIC notice that you are out of the country. It will complicate the process. Your visa office is in Canada. If travel out of Canada, you will be required to process your visa from your home country or nearest visa office. You have...
  4. K

    RAY of HOPE 53rd Draw (Predictions)

    Have faith....hope for 2500+ ITA then you are good to fly.
  5. K

    Immigration Plan 2017 Points Increase International Students in Express Entry

    I totally understand how you feel. Don't give up! Everything happens for a reason. If one chapter closes another new one will open. Have a plan and work towards it...and leave the rest for history!
  6. K

    Immigration Plan 2017 Points Increase International Students in Express Entry

    I enjoy reading the discussion on this forum. keep the discussion going because it gives hope to students in regards to the changes. I know many students are anxious due to the time left on our PGWP. Everything is possible if you believe! Don't give up!
  7. K

    how many bonus points would international student get thanks to changes to EE

    Good point..the new changes will open up a lot of provinces. Let wait and see what will happen on Nov. 1 'During the course of this debate, I have also heard concerns from my colleagues about the temporary foreign worker program and the provincial nominee program, with the suggestion that this...
  8. K

    SINP Approval letter?

    Prepare a Job Offer Letter The Job Offer must: Indicate that the position is a permanent, full time (minimum 30 hours/week) skilled position(s) in Saskatchewan (non-seasonal); Skilled positions require classification in the NOC 0, A or B categories or be identified on the Saskatchewan...
  9. K

    Got a Job offer from PEI - Customer Service Representative

    Man, move there fast and start work. You can apply for your PNP while there. One year is too short to be playing. One year is like an hour these days. You can live there for some months and head back to Ontario after you get your card. You will also gain some experience and enjoy PEI. See it as...
  10. K

    Prince Edward Island PNP

  11. K

    Prince Edward Island PNP

  12. K

    Jasper - Work, life, rent etc

    http://www.jasper-alberta.com/ http://www.kijiji.ca/b-alberta/jasper-apartment/k0l9003 http://www.wowjobs.ca/BrowseResults.aspx?q=&s=r&l=Jasper%2C+AB
  13. K


    You can also try community colleges. It all depends on your area of specialization and research.
  14. K


    Are you practicing in Canada? If you are not practicing in Canada...maybe when you get here..I will give you my number and we can chat...
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    I wish you good luck...have you worked as a social worker in North America!
  16. K


    I would advise all of you planning to move to north America to practice social work to change their profession, maybe to nursing. Social work will burn you out. It is like chasing or running from a mad cow on the street. Thou social workers make more money and gain more respect in Canada...
  17. K

    Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program

    PEI is very picky when it comes to everything...I had some experience with them in 2011.
  18. K

    A year old Reference letter

    This is my experience with CIC regarding reference letter. I would advise you to get a new reference letter from your current job to be on a safe side. But if you have changed job or company..old reference letter is okay.