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  1. 0

    Sponsoring husband from Iraq

    I have a question and would appreciate if someone can reply that went through this or knows what steps to take. I travelled to Syria in March to marry my husband, we stayed there for a month, took awhile to submit the application as we were waiting awhile for papers from ministry of health and...
  2. 0

    Getting married in Damascus

    Thanks boujasim For your quick reply, you are very informative, You all have been great, This site is very helpful and I am thankful for it. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend, Very likely I will be back to wanting help;) Take care and ttyl 0503
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    Getting married in Damascus

    I thank you for all your replies and the information you have given me, I have one more question if anyone don't mind answering... To get the documents signed and stamped, should a lawyer be hired in Damascus?
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    Getting married in Damascus

    Thanks everyone for your reply on this... Actually he is not a residence of Syria, just that the city he is from requires him to send his application to Syria for visa, that is why we were told that it was best if we get married there and plus it is to dangerous for me to visit him where he...
  5. 0

    Getting married in Damascus

    Hello all Not sure where else to turn to, I am heading to Syria in a month to marry a man from middle east, we are planing to get married there as that is where he has to send his application for visa.I am a Canadian. I have contacted the Canadian Embassy and the Embassy for Syria, but have...