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Search results

  1. C

    Gathering information for couple wanting to come to Canada from Italy wo sponsor

    Hi Guys, I have been asked by an Italian couple how they would begin their path for coming to Canada. They will not be sponsored by anyone, and he may be able to get a work contract from a construction company in toronto, but basically they want to go it alone. Where do they start, where are...
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    Chronological Personal History and Chronological Personal Information Forms

    Hello, I received thses two files from Rome CIC. Why do they need this info? i have already filled out a similar form with the original sponsorship package. Anyway, the real question is, do i fill them for my husband or me, or both, and can i send them via email? or regular mail? Thanks...
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    Received a Letter from Rome Office, wrong address- now what????

    Hello, We received a letter from the Embassy of Rome stating: UCI #- Name of my husband Correct email and updated residential addresses-please be informed that emails sent to the address outlined on your application form return: "undelivered". This must be received at the office by 04/25/2013...
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    Rome Office-still havent heard anything, they dont even reply to emails

    Thanks Guys!!! These responses helped me feel better....I am going to chill:))))) will do address change on ECAS. thanks Again!!!
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    Rome Office-still havent heard anything, they dont even reply to emails

    Hello Everyone, Its been a while since I posted, I have since moved my family from Italy to Canada and we are all adjusting quite well. My hubby is here on visitor status for 6 months, it will expire on June 18th..... We left Italy on Dec 18th and the only notification I have received via email...
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    Health Insurance for 3 months

    Thanks guys, we went with safevisit (Thanks Galip)....the prices were great compared to some of the others i tried. 389 for three months, me and my 2 kids... Thanks Again!!!
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    Health Insurance for 3 months

    Thank You to all, i will look in to these websites!. Thanks Again.
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    Health Insurance for 3 months

    Just wanted to add an if............... if i bring my medicines from here and risk paying the visits (if any, hope for none)...is this a sane idea, or am i losing it....... I just would like to know if you guys think its better to spend teh money for coverage or risk without..... Thanks again
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    Health Insurance for 3 months

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone could suggest companies to purchase health insurance (obviously for not a lot of money) for myself and my 2 kids (2 and 4) for three months, as we are moving back to Canada and need to wait the three month wait time. Is it a dreadful process, or is it as easy...
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    Re-sent whole package AGAIN on October 17th and still hasnt arrived in Mississa

    Lets hope that it is a misscan and not lost.... just pray for me and my paperwork!!! Thank you Guys!!!
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    Re-sent whole package AGAIN on October 17th and still hasnt arrived in Mississa

    Hi, I just need to vent. I had to resend my sponsorship pacakage after the CIC sent it back to me for some 2011 forms. Anway, the problem that is causing me to not sleep AT ALL is that I resent the whole pacakge (30euros,again) from Italy to Mississauga on October 17th, and it is still not on...
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    Hi, sorry ittook so long to get back to you,this whole process is so overwhelming and time consuming. 1. I did have all the docs translated and certified. which in italy cost a lot of money 2. I paid the fees on teh internet it was quite fast and i think its the best way, i am sure you could...
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    Translating Childrens Immunization Records

    Hello, I wil be enrolling my son in JK when we arrive in Canada and they asked for his immunization records. He has been immunized as per the Italian regulations, does someone know if I will need to have his Immunization records translated and certified by a judge or if i can bring the...
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    Package was returned to me from CIC for 3 reasons- pls help

    hey, no uci number....i will just hope for the best!!!
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    Package was returned to me from CIC for 3 reasons- pls help

    Thank You I will try to stay calm!!!! Special Thanks to farfelu- I found the fotos!!!!!
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    Package was returned to me from CIC for 3 reasons- pls help

    Hello, Today i cried for about 1/2 hour because i received my husbands sponsorship package in the mail with a letter stating these three as the reasons, pls help me make sure i have the right docs, cause this process is costing me an arm and a leg and my health! 1. Application to Sponsor...
  17. C

    OHIP 3 month waiting period...and moreeeee

    Hello All, Any question that comes to my mind i always find the best responses here, even better than google!! I am going back to Canada with my kids in December to resume my residency ( I have not decided yet to bring husband for 6 months as I do not want any paperwork to get lost or to miss...
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    Moral Support/Advice-Husbands paperwork still hasnt arrived- Italian Post SUCKS!

    Hi Sweden, Thank You for your reply. I really appreciated it because it had put me at ease. I checked Canada Post website and wouldnt you know it, it was delivered successfullyy...now the long wait begins!!! I will keep my fingers crossed, but I am realistic:):) Thanks Again!!!
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    Anyone else have Mr.Jag sign for their application at Mississauga

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH just when i started to feel a little better ???
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    Anyone else have Mr.Jag sign for their application at Mississauga

    Hi All, I know i am a nervous wreck but I just want to make sure that it got to the right place, anyone else have a Mr. Jag sign for their sponsorship application kit at the case processing centre at Mississauga...does this mean i can finally sleep sound at night..... :o