Congratulations Toby!
When we were landing at Niagara Falls, on the US side once we told the officer that we were there for landing purposes, he said that there were already around 30 people that morning and asked if Canada accepted everyone to come. Smiling, we said that Canada accepts only...
Hi guys,
Landed yesterday on May 3rd at Niagara - Rainbow Bridge.
We parked the car and crossed the bridge on foot. Got the refusal letter from US borders and came back to Canadian borders.
Had to wait 2 hours in line, though the line was not long, but officers seemed very relaxed and did not...
Hi guys,
Today we received passports with visas and CoPRs!!! :)
We're planning on landing in Niagara tomorrow!
So happy, we're gonna celebrate :)
Cheers to everyone!
Hey Toby,
Please update the spreadsheet:
- Passports sent April 25th
- ECAS updated to 'medical received' and 'decison made' on April 26th (may be late 25th I am not sure)
Toby, guys
If you really want something and you know exactly what you want, treat that dream like reality. And the moment you let go a little - it comes to you!
It works :)
It's coming guys!
Hey guys,
Same here, done medicals almost 3 weeks ago and the clinic has not yet submitted the results :(
Closer you get to PR, more painful the wait becomes :)
Have a great day everyone!
Thank you Toby, I really hope so for all of us! :)
It's just that as I understand we only have 60 days to do medicals and submit results to CIC.
After MR time stays still :)
Cheers to everyone!
Hey Toby,
The clinic said that scheduled time for submission was Friday April 11th.
However, when I checked with them last Friday, they said "We have to wait for blood work results" (as if it takes the whole week :))
Yesterday they said the nurse was not around... apparently nurse is not back...
Hi guys,
It's been almost 2 weeks since me and my husband passed medical exams (e-medicals) and the results has not yet been submitted to CIC!
Every day is now just seems to be longer and longer :(
Hi guys,
Did anyone pass e-medicals here:
City: Toronto
Address: Medisys Health Group Inc.,
95 St. Clair Street West, 12th Floor,
Ontario M4V 1N6
If yes, then how long did it take them to send report to CIC?
Hi guys,
I applied for BOWP in February. Processing took exactly 19 days as it was mentioned on the website.
Permit was mailed to my address.
No issues - very fast and efficient work of CIC :)
Hey Toby,
Could you please update my record on the spreadsheet with the following:
- Application status: In Progress - updated on March 27th
- RPRF request received on March 31st
Thank you :)
Have a great day everyone!