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  1. E

    If Skilled Worker Immigration appl successful, how long do I have to move there?

    Iam keen to start the procss of applying as a skilled worker for immigration to Canada, but want to do this at the right time. I would not want to move immidiately if approved? I havea house to sell, etc. So: How long does the process take approx from a UK aplication? If appoved, how long do I...
  2. E

    If I get a federal skilled worker permanent resident - how long to take it up

    I do meet the requirements for FSW (well according to my calculations yes). And the reason why I am getting ahead of myself is because we are not only considering Canada as a possible immi option. One of the deciding factors relates to my question. Can you point me to the rules in this regard...
  3. E

    If I get a federal skilled worker permanent resident - how long to take it up

    Sorry, but I have to reactivate this post again. ANY CLARITY GREATLY APPRECIATED As far as I understand, I apply for Permanent Res, and as part of that process go through medical and other checks. They then decide to grant me Perm Res (or not). Obviously normal logisics dictates that persons...
  4. E

    If I get a federal skilled worker permanent resident - how long to take it up

    Hi I just got back from a skiing holiday to Vancouver (which doubled up as a "look, see and decide" trip to see if we would want to move there from the UK), and we liked it very much so are considering starting the federal skilled worker permanent resident process. Two questions: 1) How long...
  5. E

    What does 0213: Computer and Information Systems Managers actually mean

    One for Leon and PMM - What does 0213: Comp and Inf Syst Managers actually mean Could Leon and/ or PMM shed some light on this?
  6. E

    0213 Computer and Information Systems Managers?

    As I understand it, it is not so much about the title "manager" but rather about the duties. Here in London, American firms for example like to call their managerial staff (even quite low level) Vice President, whereas some British firms prefer the title Associate Director. Other firms...
  7. E

    What does 0213: Computer and Information Systems Managers actually mean

    I suppose I need to be clearer - there is a big difference in being a company's IT manager (head of IT, IT director, etc), and those managers working below him/ her such as... manager, management information system (MIS) systems development manager data centre manager ...some of the examples...
  8. E

    What does 0213: Computer and Information Systems Managers actually mean

    I previously thought of applying through the NOC management information systems (MIS) analyst (2171), as I have most experience in that (6 years), but I do have 2 and a bit years of experience as a Business Intelligence Manager (also called Management Information Manager) reporting to the head...
  9. E

    Question about one of the 38 occupations in list

    I previously thought of applying through the NOC management information systems (MIS) analyst (2171), as I have most experience in that (6 years), but I do have 2 and a bit years of experience as a Business Intelligence Manager (also called Management Information Manager) reporting to the head...