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  1. G

    NEW DELHI APPLICATION SENT 2010 awaiting background checks

    Hi Indria. I did get a response from CSIS saying they had did receive the request and completed the serach in April. HOwerver it took New Delhi 3 months to update the file. I also wrote to CBSA but they said they can't confirm whether they received it or not and asked me to follow up...
  2. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    I had the same issue and upon inquiring some people told me it is a system glitch. Sometimes when your file is not reviewed in the standard time, the status automatically changes to application received. it means nothing... so don't worry... did you order CAIPS notes to see what work has been...
  3. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hi Abad, did you try contacting MP. Ask him to follow up ND on bhealf of you... .it helps get an answer...
  4. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    application Filed May 12 Transferred to ND: jUne 29th PP requested: Aug 12 Started processing: Nov 25.
  5. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hey My timeline is the same. application received by ND on June 29th... and I was in England for 5 yrs... and had the same issue where the status changed to application recieved in Oct.. till date no news. keep saying it is in background checks. No request for docs or interview. straight...
  6. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Same for me. applied in early May and still wiating. Address disappeared in Jan but not update :(
  7. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    I'm here also waiting Since May... NO interview, no request for documentation.. don't even know why they are taking so long... :(
  8. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Many thanks for the calrification. Hope all the pending cases will get visas soon.. Really praying to God that people like me who have been waiting since early May will hear some positive news soon...
  9. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Could you please elobrate on the ND fiscal year end? Does that mean they will finalize all the pending cases from early 2011???
  10. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    I contacted the MP and ND said it is in background checks since Dec. :( it's been 3 months now and no news. i don't know what kind of bc checks they do that takes so long...
  11. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Thanks for all this info. I've tried all these avenues, but no luck :( i just feel so helpless.. waiting since June. no interview, no request for addittional info. they asked for the pasporrt and just sitting on it. I'm trying my best to stay positive and wait...
  12. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    I am not sure if anything can be done, but its worth knowing.. sitting here and not knowing anything is very hard to accept. When ND is just sitting on your file. :(
  13. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hello, I am hoping someone can assist me with my inquiry. Could someone please let me know who conducts background checks for outland applications. (New Delhi office for me). Is it CSIS/CBSA or an outside agency hired by New delhi. Could someone please pelase let me know. Thanks in advance.
  14. G

    NEW DELHI APPLICATION SENT 2010 awaiting background checks

    Hello, I am hoping someone can assist me with my inquiry. Could someone please let me know who conducts background checks for outland applications. (New Delhi office for me). Is it CSIS/CBSA or an outside agency hired by New delhi. Could someone please pelase let me know. Thanks in advance.
  15. G

    Applicants waiting for background checks!!!!!!!!

    Hello, I am hoping someone can assist me with my inquiry. Could someone please let me know who conducts background checks for outland applications. (New Delhi office for me). Is it CSIS/CBSA or an outside agency hired by New delhi. Could someone please pelase let me know. Thanks in advance.
  16. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    you can get someone else to do it who is a canadian citizen. it doesn't have to be you, as long as your spouse fills out the consent form.. you should be good...
  17. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    you can directly email your request to this addres atip-aiprp@cic.gc.ca or send it through courier. - need to fill out form IMM5563E (the request has to be made by someone who is canadian citizen) the form explains all the other forms you need to attach. (e.g. consent form needs to be completed...
  18. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Hey Order GCMS notes from ottawa to see the details of your file. it only costs $5 to order these notes and it will help you assess what has happend in your case so far. Ordering the notes takes about a month of time. good luck
  19. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    I ordered my GCM notes in Dec and it shows ND did no work on it until the last week of Nov..and I've not idea why they asked for the ppst in Aug and than just sat on it... how stupid... Based on the notes, I feel I have every reason to file a complaint against them so they don't do this to...
  20. G

    Thread for applicants of NEW DELHI 2010!

    Yeh my husband lived in England for 6 years..But even than it should not take them over 6 months to complete the bc checks..