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  1. alicia13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    We were married one year, together two years before that and didn't get Condition 51. I'm curious as to how they decide
  2. alicia13

    AUGUST 2014 OUTLAND Applicants

    Hi Andrew, thanks for clarifying that and sorry if my original post was misleading, I initially just wanted to point out that posted processing times aren't a given, I know there are some US applicants who received their PR in 3 months and that hopefully the posted processing times won't...
  3. alicia13

    AUGUST 2014 OUTLAND Applicants

    Ya I would really take those timelines with a grain of salt, I applied Outland via London that is currently posted as 10 months for Stage 2 I think but I got my PR in less than 2 months Edited to clarify: my application was kept in Mississauga for processing along with some others who applied...
  4. alicia13

    Pregnant Wife (not PR) going to Canada for inland application & birth

    Your wife won't be able to get a Care Card until she receives Stage 1 approval, "AIP"(Approved in Principal), which is currently taking 15 months and counting. I gave birth uninsured here in May and it cost us $4700 in total.
  5. alicia13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Thank you all so much! This forum has been absolutely lifesaving for me through this whole process. Best of luck to everyone still waiting
  6. alicia13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I didn't get my COPR in the post, they gave it to me today. I got Decison Made the same day I got the email for the appointment, Nov. 19th. I just had to bring my pictures with me.
  7. alicia13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Landed as a PR today at the CIC office in Etobicoke. Got my COPR and PR card will arrive in the mail. So glad this chapter of my life is over and all the best to everyone!
  8. alicia13

    Received landing interview email, currently reside outside Canada

    Jumping in from Family Class, I applied Outland even though I am "visiting" within Canada and I received the same email for a landing interview in Etobicoke which is pretty unheard of for an Outland applicant. I happen to live pretty close to the office so I will go, it would actually be a lot...
  9. alicia13


    There have been cases on this thread of people with similar timelines all because they were facing deportation orders or CBSA had become involved. So rather than deport them(which is time-sensitive), they expedite their applications. So backwards I know from the viewpoint of someone who has...
  10. alicia13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Mrs. Schnook I just wanted to tell you what happened: I got an email today asking for the updated chart and 2 photos, even though they sent me an appointment for Etobicoke for Monday...we are going to go anyway on Monday and worst case scenario if they say it was an error then send off the...
  11. alicia13

    AUGUST 2014 OUTLAND Applicants

    London via Mississauga, got DM on Nov. 19th
  12. alicia13

    Important OHIP eligibility info for all PR applicants residing in Ontario

    Decision made on the PA They actually scheduled a landing interview in Etobicoke for me on Dec. 1st We received SA approval on Oct. 28th, the same day PA's ECAS went "in process" I wonder how the OERC will handle my appeal, will my 3 month waiting period begin from the date they received...
  13. alicia13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    My other thought is that Mississauga officers as used to processing Inland applicants and maybe that's why mine is going this way.
  14. alicia13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Ya it's so odd, almost like they are processing me as an "Inland" applicant...I will keep the board posted!
  15. alicia13

    Important OHIP eligibility info for all PR applicants residing in Ontario

    Hi BartJones, the day I got the form I faxed it back to them and that same evening I got decision made on ECAS.......coincidence? I only got SA approval and "in process" on October 28th, not that I'm complaining!
  16. alicia13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    As far as I can see from other posts, a landing "interview" isn't a genuinity interview but more the processing of the COPR and PR card. On the letter I received it stated that this appointment was just to finalize the processing. I think it's because they see that my current address is within...
  17. alicia13

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    ECAS showing Decision Made as of November 19th
  18. alicia13

    My Experience *Visiting* while we wait for COPR

    Lol Better to be over-prepared than under-prepared right! Glad everything went well for you I was the same when my husband and I came back from a vacation during my Outland process I literally had a small binder full of "proof" that I didn't even need in the end; the officer just looked at my...
  19. alicia13


    As annoying as it is to be told the same thing over and over, I'm going to chime in too! My VO was London too, I live in Toronto but mailed my application outland on August 6th, we just got decision made on November 18th, a little over 3 months from start to finish. We are going for landing in...
  20. alicia13

    Cancelling inland application and re-submitting as outland - PAYMENT

    I also disagree with awesomemeg, I had my inland application returned to me to update a form, I decided not to continue with inland and reapplied outland on August 6th, I just got decision made yesterday, November 18th, 3.5 months later...granted my visa office is a fast one but I can attest...