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  1. F

    pnp nominated, PR in process, now Laid off

    Sorry that you have to go through this situation. It's actually quite unfair. I had contact BC PNP a few months ago for a similar situation. If you tell BC PNP office you were laid off, they will withdraw your nomination and then your PR application will be canceled as well. If you tell BC PNP...
  2. F

    BC PNP: My situation and questions

    Thanks BC Guy. Yes, I received my nomination in September 2007. My issue was with federal application. I tried to engage my local MP as per your previous advice, but did not go anywhere. Then, I sent an inquiry directly to the Minster. That did not work either, so I have given up. I decided to...
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    BC PNP: My situation and questions

    Daan, Good luck with your application. I was just reading your thread and wanted to share. I applied for PR under BC PNP in Oct 2007 and still am not a PR (yes, over 16 months). Your question and concern is very valid regarding being tied to the current employer during the waiting time. Yes...
  4. F

    BC PNP PR Application - Please Help, where can I complain to?

    Thank you BCguy. I really appreacaite your help and I am sure there are hundreds of other people on this forum that feel the same way. It's people like you that remind me why I chose Canada as my permanent home in the first place. I have actually no complaint whatsoever from my PNP office in BC...
  5. F

    BC PNP PR Application - Please Help, where can I complain to?

    I did not choose where to apply. All PR applications should be sent to Visa Offices outside of Canada, and if you live in Canada, you should either send it to sSattle or Buffalo depending on what they instruct you to do. In my case case, unfortunately, I was told to send to Buffalo, NY. The damn...
  6. F

    BC PNP PR Application - Please Help, where can I complain to?

    Thank you Leon for your response. It's not easy to get another BC PNP offer and I have waited for 1 year already and there is no guarantee the next time around will be any different. I just need some feedback from CIC as to why my application is delayed so much. If I need to wait another year, I...
  7. F

    BC PNP PR Application - Please Help, where can I complain to?

    hello all, I have a question and hope somebody can guide me to the right direction or share similar experiences. I had applied for BC PNP in Sep 2007 and got nomination in 4 weeks. Sent off my PR application to Buffalo in Oct 2007 (processing started Oct 20,2008 as per website), medicals...