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  1. L

    Attn: Seniors!!! PR Card issues - New passport and new born baby

    Thanks Steaky...I guess that would be the most sensible thing to do.
  2. L

    Leon/Qorax in dire need of advice.

    Thanks again Leon.
  3. L

    Leon/Qorax in dire need of advice.

    Thanks a ton Leon... So the most sensible thing to do would be to land as soon as possible,take up residence for 6 months n then take it from there right? A TRV or TRP for the baby cannot be guaranteed right?In which case either one of us would have to move there n stay there till the sponsoring...
  4. L

    Any possibility on extension on landing date?Pls help..

    Hi, My husband and I have received our PRs stamped on passport and must land before 1st July 2012. I am 4mths pregnant now and am due in August. Is there any possibility of notifying the visa office to get an extension on the landing date,so that I can have the baby here in India and then have...
  5. L

    Attn: Seniors!!! PR Card issues - New passport and new born baby

    Hi Sajitma, Do keep us posted on what you decide to do... My situation is very similar,but I have'nt landed yet...I have till June to land and am 4 mths preg,due in Aug. Were considering landing and leaving back to India to have the baby,then come finally next year,but the entire baby...
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    Leon/Qorax in dire need of advice.

    Hi Steaky, Thankyou so much. We have family in Ontario,and this being my first baby,the thought of a whole new place is traumatic :( From the date of landing,will OHIP get activated on the completion of 3 months?A friend was saying that it could in reality take between 4-5 months? Also,along...
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    Leon/Qorax in dire need of advice.

    Hi, My husband and I have received our PR and need to land before 1st July 2012.We were thinking of making a landing and getting back home,and then moving permanently to Canada after about a year. We only have relatives in Ontario,have not really considered going anywhere else. Now,I am...
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    How long after RPRF receipt?

    I received my RPRF receipt yesterday by regular post... How much longer could the PPs take,any idea anyone?I sent the PPs etc on 08 July '11.
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    Hi all, I completed my medical on 2nd July,sent the PP etc on 8th..No response or acknowledgement yet. Any other 3113 in the same situation? Also,guys,is Toronto the best option initially jobwise?Are we eligible to get dental assistant jobs? Any feedback at all would be great.. Thanks guys.
  10. L

    How long after passport submission Delhi?

    Hi AC, I checked with the bank,the DD has'nt been encashed...guess it'll take more time. Hey,I can't seem to be able to send a PM...Am a 3113 applicant too,wanted some help n guidance if you don't mind? Could you maybe send me a PM n hopefully I will be able to reply to it! :-[
  11. L

    How long after passport submission Delhi?

    Dear AC, Thanks for your response.Will contact the bank ASAP. I'm new on this forum,still getting a hang of things... I notice you've applied under 3113?When did you receive your visa and after how long?Which place have you decided on? Regards. LJo.
  12. L

    How long after passport submission Delhi?

    Hi guys,I completed my medical on 2nd July and sent my passport with the PCC and RPRF to CHC,New Delhi right after that...Any idea how long it'll take to get the passport back? My status has not changed on the CIC tracker either...I thought they update on receiving the medicals?I've applied...