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  1. D

    When to submit application form buddies?

    hi guys, I really confusing when I should submit my application form. I am gonna finish my one year work experience at this coming November, but I can't get my T4 until next year. I heard from someone that I can submit my other document to Bufflo office by November, and then re-submit my T4...
  2. D

    filling out forms questions

    How about u send a email to them? ;) don't trouble yourself too much, coz u already did it
  3. D

    filling out forms questions

    I reviewed the new form which jesON afforts, thank her. 1) If I applies CEC myself alone(NO FAMILY AND SPOUSE), do I just need to fill out the Genenric applicaiton form(IMM0008) and Economic classes-CEC(IMM0008 Schedule8)? There's other forms, for example:additional dependnts(IMM0008 DEP)...
  4. D

    waiting T4 until next year

    Thx a lot! So i think from Feb to April the immigrant office is gonna be very busy. :P
  5. D

    waiting T4 until next year

    I am walking on my way to obtain my PR. BUT i confused about a few things: 1)I will finish my 1-year work experience this coming November. Must I wait until next year to get my T4 then continually applying? 2) In the checklist, the' work experience 'part, it requires "notice of assessment...