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  1. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Oh, and for kicks and giggles, a photo of my husband and I at the wedding! http://i.imgur.com/FuOpd.png ;D
  2. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    To wrap things up, here's my FULL timeline: PERMANENT RESIDENCY FAMILY CLASS OUTLAND SPONSORSHIP APPLICATION: 9/2/10: sent FBI check 11/11/10: received FBI check 1/21/11: Medical done 1/31/11: App sent to CPC-M 2/11/11: App received 3/10/11: Decision made, transferred to Buffalo 3/21/11: CSQ...
  3. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Now that I have an ounce of time between all the hustle and bustle both good and bad (I landed on Saturday and found out I'm being laid off 2 days later...), here is my landing story: I took a full week off of work and drove 16 hours (not counting stops) back to Indianapolis from Montréal...
  4. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    As someone who's lived in Montreal for going on 2 years, I can attest to this - it's equally if not MORE SO true here. The culture/values are just different. I was raised in a conservative midwestern US family who expects you to have a proper religious wedding before even thinking about kids...
  5. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    I wouldn't freak out just yet. If they're just now working on cases up until that date, that means they're handling everyone from the same week you applied. I'd give it another week at least. I never got any email correspondence either, just got a letter back in the mail saying we'd been...
  6. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Lol! And in that 10 days my best friend is also getting married. SOO busy but in a good way! I'll write a small novel about it, rest assured. Once I'm done I'll post my entire timeline too, just for kicks! ;D
  7. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Got another reliable e-cas update this morning saying decision made. ::) Preparing for the long drive back to the states tomorrow to inventory and clean out everything I left at my parents' house!
  8. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    >.> Wasn't me! I never said who my insurance was, just that they didn't give the best customer service :P I have Westfield though, through my parents actually - I work for a tiny non-profit, so I don't have any benefits like that (though believe me, that's gonna be the first thing to change once...
  9. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    I actually got rear-ended while in Canada with my insurance still being connected to my US address and car registration, etc. It has been a HUGE pain to sort out, but I think this is because the claims adjuster I got was a noob and didn't know how to handle cases at all, let alone one in a...
  10. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    ROFL! Totally calling the SAAQ and demanding mine!
  11. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Lol this is why Québec is the only province that requires winter tires! I never had any problems, but I'm lucky enough to have a 4x4 with all-wheel drive. The biggest pain I find is parking in Montréal. Outside our apartment it's just parallel parking on the street. There's always enough space...
  12. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    It looks like my best bet (and much simpler process) will be to cross at Detroit/Windsor, though I'm sure my separatist husband will be just *thrilled* to hear that we have to land in and drive across all of Ontario... :P
  13. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    I did some more calling around. CBSA said that because my intent at the border is to become a PR, there's no way I can drive the car in without importing it, since I won't have any legal obligation to leave Canada once I enter, which I can understand. I'm either going to have to fudge our...
  14. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Justed called and found out I can only export my car M-F. The way my schedule works out, I have to land on a Sunday. Balls. I am not anxious for a second, unnecessary trip to the border... I remember someone on here said they had done this as well though - landed and declared their car in...
  15. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    I remember reading about this much earlier in the thread, but the basic logic is this: CIC's website says a PR card is needed for travel to Canada on a commercial carrier (aka plane, bus, etc). I haven't found (though I stand to be corrected) where it says it's an absolute must in order pass...
  16. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    I was in a very similar situation with my PPR - I received PPR Oct. 4th and I have to leave travel back to the states for a wedding on Nov. 4th. I typed up a cover letter mentioning this and included it. I sent my passport out the same day (10/4) - to NYC however, not Buffalo - and got it back...
  17. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    I'd LOVE to be able to trade in the current ones for newer models with more memory and faster processors....
  18. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Thanks for sharing your landing story, so happy for you and everyone else at the end of this rigorous process! :D Do you know if there's a time limit on how much later the goods to follow can follow? ie if I go back to the states 2 months later and bring back another load of stuff with me, will...
  19. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Congrats amaranth!!! ;D Btw, hubs called. Passport came back in the mail today! Woot woot! All set to land Nov. 13th!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  20. francohoosier

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    It must be different at each VO. Cuz from what I read earlier, photos for LA don't have the same specs as those going to Buffalo, and sending mine to NYC was yet another story! Hopefully there should be a page in your PPR letter explaining exactly what they want. I got a nice little diagram with...