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  1. C

    do we need a lawyer to do the paperwork

    Same here. Just make sure to read everything over several times to make sure you didnt miss a check box. Their wording in some spots is kinda shady.
  2. C

    Sham Marriages

    You dont have to stay with the person, you just have to support them financially.
  3. C

    So... How do I know whats happening with my application?

    Hey, Im wondering how I will be able to check my application status? I know you check it on ECAS, but how do I get my case number? Will they mail something to me? Thanks, - Canuck
  4. C

    Form 5481 questions

    As far as I know, American immigrants almost always have their interviews waived (looking at trackitt there is not one American case with an interview). So it shouldn't matter. But put the closest one just in case. I also dont think they do interviews in Buffalo, since its not an option (I...
  5. C

    Social Insurance Number

    That makes no sense! They are saying that having a spouse in another country is not having a spouse at all. Well that is certainly wrong. Just because your spouse does not have a SIN number, does NOT make you single. There should be some way to do it. For example, when I filled out my OSAP...
  6. C

    Form 5481 questions

    Hi, Don't take my answers to be definitive, this is just my best guess based on my knowledge. 1. I think just the fact that he is their father, and they are living with them would make them financially defendant on him. But I am not sure. If in doubt, pick the answer that you find to be...
  7. C

    URGENT: Missed a question on the paperwork - PMM Please

    So do you think they would return it for something so trivial? Or not?
  8. C

    URGENT: Missed a question on the paperwork - PMM Please

    Thanks for the reply, I think you are getting it backwards (correct me if im wrong). The application states that: So they are saying, if it is in canada, skip, but if it is outside canada (mine is) then it should be filled out. Is that correct? - Canuck
  9. C

    Question about relationship evidence

    Yes, I mad copies as well. I photocopied everything in black and white, but pretty good quality, which should be reasonable. I copied cards, receipts, letters and bills. I did not send the original of anything, except when requested.
  10. C

    URGENT: Missed a question on the paperwork - PMM Please

    Hello, I have just noticed on a copy of our paperwork that I missed two check boxes on the "Application to sponsor and undertaking". What is now going to happen with our paperwork? Will they be sending it back without charging anything? And how long will it take before they notice the error...
  11. C

    IMM 1344A confusion! Someone know this one??

    Oh Nooooooo!!!! From what I read, it means skip if they are applying IN CANADA, but fill out if they are applying OUTSIDE CANADA. Im looking at a copy of my form and we did not fill these out!!! This is not good, we were supposed to!! AHHH!!!
  12. C

    IMM 1344A confusion! Someone know this one??

    I dont recall that question being on IMM 1344A? I even looked the form up and looked at it, and there was no such question? (Im just trying to make sure I didnt overlook something important on my forms...)
  13. C

    In-Canada sponsorhip ----- First mail from Immigration

    Wow! What a huge difference from outside Canada. Outside only takes ~30 days for the sponsor to get approved.
  14. C

    Extremely URGENT! - My fees receipt is blank?!

    Thanks, I added my application to that tracker.
  15. C

    Application too big?

    Ahahaha alright I was just feeling a little self-conscious of my application :D Thanks guys, Canuck
  16. C

    Extremely URGENT! - My fees receipt is blank?!

    Thanks! And I will keep everyone updated as our application progresses. Oh, also, I thought I saw a website once where people were tracking how long their applications were taking. Am I crazy or does this website exist?
  17. C

    Application too big?

    Hi, I just sent off my application to sponsor my spouse and it was about an inch and a half thick of solid paper, plus a stack of about 30 photos. Is this similar to anyone else, or did I have too much? The thing is, there was not too much of any one thing, excepting that I included all...
  18. C

    Extremely URGENT! - My fees receipt is blank?!

    I just found this in the "Online payment flow": They sure made that information hard enough to find... One last question though, I am assuming I leave the "Client ID" Field blank, because I dont think I have a client ID, do I?