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  1. HOP

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Canadian starting 10/28/15. Took the exam at 11am and oath 2pm on the same day, thanks everyone for the inputs. Mvoing Forward!
  2. HOP

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Got my invitation dated Oct 7. Its in the morning of October 28 and if I pass, the oath taking is in the afternoon feeling excited. Hopefully i pass the exam...
  3. HOP

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    hi guys, been busy lately but when i checked my ecas today it says "Your file was transferred to the Calgary office on January 23, 2015. The Calgary office will contact you."... ;D
  4. HOP

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Family of 3 (me, wife and daughter)
  5. HOP

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    ;D guess what... I received my AOR from CIC thru email today with PDF file attachment... kindly see hereunder the email and pdf file email says: UCI: XXXXXXXX Application No.: C0000XXXXX Quote these numbers when corresponding with our office. This is an automated message. Please DO NOT...
  6. HOP

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    sent 4 ecas enquiry, 1 email and 1 ATIP and this is what I got from them... maybe we are being process under the old system, I don't know what really going on but I hope our papers are in and complete because its been almost 4 months otherwise the time past is just wasted. anyway, still...
  7. HOP

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Congrats! Im hoping for positive outcome for me as well just crossing my finger, mine is a family application of 3 so maybe it would take longer for them to finish our files. hope so, xxxxx
  8. HOP

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Still nothing for me.... sent my family application from Red Deer, AB on Sept 22 and was received on 25th of the same month.... Called up CIC today twice and I got different advice from agents. one told me to send another application because they might have sent it back but lost in transit but...
  9. HOP

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Hi guys, I called up CIC today and its says in their voice message while waiting for an agent to answer that if your application was received after October 1 (Wednesday) then it is not being process yet. I don't get it why others has their AOR already while their application where sent it or...
  10. HOP

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Wow.... I hope not. I called up cic last nov 27 and the agent told me that they were processing application received up to sept. 5th and now, After 5-6 business days (Dec 5th) they were able to finish checking the rest of September application received? Quite a short span of time, what you think?
  11. HOP

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    I gave CIC a ring yesterday because I want to inform that we are going to be out of the country for a month next year but the agent told me he cant put a note in my application, its too soon. they have sent AOR and process application received until September 5, 2014 yet. sent: 22 September...
  12. HOP

    September 2014 Citizenship Application

    Hi guys, I'm new to this thread... Citizenship: Date Sent: 22-Sept Date Received: 25-Sept Processing Started: eCAS updated: Rcvd Line disappeared: Test Date: Oath Date:
  13. HOP

    Manila V.O. - Waiting for the Passport with the Visa

    arrive today in manila from cebu for our international flight the next day. we have 3 luggage with 22KG each and another 3 with more or less 14.5 KG.. we send our 3 luggage as cargoes yesterday thru cebu pacific and we'll pick it up tomorrow on the way to the airport but will make sure that we...
  14. HOP

    Bisdak for Canada!!!!

    out manila man ko. ako gbuhat ky nanawag ko sa akong bank headoffice in manila then pa.reserve ko CAD. ako kwaon the day before mi larga ky stay paman mi overnight sa manila
  15. HOP

    Manila V.O. - Waiting for the Passport with the Visa

    @ mc_geh. sorry guys i have been our for a long time. alis na kami bukas for manila then international flight the next day. im so busy lately of all the preparation. I'll keep you posted guys on our journey. grabe talaga yung baggage dapat e.timbang mo sabay sabay para hindi ka mag.balik2x. kasi...
  16. HOP

    Manila V.O. - Waiting for the Passport with the Visa

    hi mc_geh.. ako din kakatapos sa driver license magpa.red ribbon my tie-up daw sa world wide express para delivery sa DFA. I just finished everything today! huh! then on wednesday ill attend COA!
  17. HOP

    Bisdak for Canada!!!!

    Do you have any idea where there is a lot of job vacancy for survival job?
  18. HOP

    Manila V.O. - Waiting for the Passport with the Visa

    Hey guys, how are you? I've been away for quite so long since I am very busy looking for a place to stay in Calgary, job and preparation of everythiing. Everything is a job. Looking for a job, place and prepartion is a job itself. huh! Anyway, congrats to all who received their VISA and DM...
  19. HOP

    Manila V.O. - Waiting for the Passport with the Visa

    USD$653 plus 1620 Travel tax. manila-hkg-vancouver-calgary
  20. HOP

    Bisdak for Canada!!!!

    thanks bro. dili maka.comfort ang jacket diri? tugnaw japon? 1/2 day ra ang pdos sa cebu noh?