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  1. S

    IMM5604 - Big confusion - PLEASE HELP

    Application has been returned to us,, so that we can submit 5604 and submit application again. Wouldnt it be false information if we fill IMM5604 and also provide explanation that we are actually together and not separated ? And who should be filling it. Me or my husband ?
  2. S

    IMM5604 - Dependent Child sponsorship

    When did you get AOR ? After how many months of submitting the application. My application shows returned right now, they have not started processing it since they returned it to submit IMM5604. You did not fill IMM5604, right ? Just letter of explanation ?
  3. S

    IMM5604 - Big confusion - PLEASE HELP

    Hi guys, I have applied for my daughter’s PR under family class sponsorship and I am the sponsor, living in Canada as PR. Me and my wife , we both already have the PR. My daughter’s application has been rejected and the reason listed is IMM5604 doc is required but this doc is for unaccompanied...
  4. S

    IMM5604 - Dependent Child sponsorship

    Hi, Did you submit the IMM5604? My daughter's application has been returned and IRCC is asking for IMM5604 form. Me and my wife both have PR and I am in canada sponsoring our daughter, and my wife and daughter are in india and they both will be joining me after my daughters PR. I am not sure...