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Search results

  1. Romanchuk

    Urgent Info reuired :Pakistani Student

    Thanks @romakhalil
  2. Romanchuk

    Urgent Question Regarding Issurance of visa for Pakistani Student

    Can anyone help me out in the following info.. 1- How much fund is enough to get a study visa in Canada for a pakistani student? 2- Do we must have to show our own Bank Statement or can we also attach our sponsors statement? 3- Does our sponsor have to be someone who we are blood related to? 4-...
  3. Romanchuk

    Urgent Info reuired :Pakistani Student

    Can anyone help me out in the following info.. 1- How much fund is enough to get a study visa in Canada for a pakistani student? 2- Do we must have to show our own Bank Statement or can we also attach our sponsors statement? 3- Does our sponsor have to be someone who we are blood related to? 4-...