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Search results

  1. M

    already have Quebec Selection Certificate, but still worried

    Hey PMM, thanks for the message. From what I have heard, Immigration Quebec has its own immigration system and does the credentialing of the applicant's education and work experience. If passed at the evaluation stage and interview, a CSQ is issued. Now the applicant goes to the Embassy of...
  2. M

    already have Quebec Selection Certificate, but still worried

    hello PMM, so sorry but I didn't get exactly what you said last time. First, what are you referring to most refusals are in the first 30% processed? Are Quebec-selected applicants included in this 30% processed by Federal immigration? What are the grounds of refusals for Quebec-selected...
  3. M

    Already obtained CSQ- can we do anything we want now?

    Hello guys, As I said in my previous post, I already obtained a CSQ last year and my "profession" indicated in there is "maitrise", or primary school teacher. My particular question is that, now I already have CSQ, can I look for jobs in other fields (for reasons like developing skills in other...
  4. M

    already have Quebec Selection Certificate, but still worried

    Hello to all of you especially I am from Manila, Philippines and I obtained my Quebec Selection Certificate in HK last year. The processing time here in the Philippines for Quebec applicants is very discouraging-50% of cases reviewed in 14 months and 80% in 64 months. Right now, I even don't...