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  1. T

    I GOT PPR TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

    congrats Yinkuzi. i am at just begining stage can u help me. i am in usa. incase if u give ur mail id i can contact u and find more details as how to start applying etc -bubli
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    Want to apply for skilled work in canada

    Hi, can you give me any mail address so that i can communicate with u. i tried to send personal message and it gave me error that i cant send personal message dont know why it gave me that error. i want to clarify few more things from u. do u live in india or usa? can u send me personal...
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    Want to apply for skilled work in canada

    HI, thanks for the information. i did go through the site and i find noc code for my field (database administrator) is 2172. i may be wrong but i see my field in the federall skilled worker. for applying temporary work permit i shuld first get a job or? how should i proceed on this can you...
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    Want to apply for skilled work in canada

    hi, i am currently on my h1 visa 5th year and just started applying gc. but i dont know if it goes through in time or not. i want to apply for skilled worker in canada. i mailed to buffalo canada embassy but they redirected to immigration site of canada. i am into IT field and when i looked...