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  1. S

    Are visa services being offered to Canadian citizens who are already in India?

    Does entry visa (x1) and foreigner registration application also involve police verification or enquiy?
  2. S

    Evisa for indian origin person to entry visa conversion

    https://www.mha.gov.in/PDF_Other/AnnexI_01022018.pdf. This Doc says Evisa for Indian origin person can be converted to entry visa. (point 14) Anybody has any experience for this?
  3. S

    Are visa services being offered to Canadian citizens who are already in India?

    Also I found a document on https://www.mha.gov.in/PDF_Other/AnnexI_01022018.pdf. Point 14says a person on Indian origin can get their Evisa converted to X1 visa by FRRO. does anybody have this experience
  4. S

    Are visa services being offered to Canadian citizens who are already in India?

    Hi @nivaan5 thanks for this thread. It is very informative. With various lines of conversation going there I am a bit confused. Can you please confirm To summarize: You traveled to India on Indian passport of acquiring Canadian citizenship. On arrival here you were required to surrender Indian...