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  1. M

    Academic suspension

    Sure no problem
  2. M

    Academic suspension

    But start your application for the new DLI already
  3. M

    Academic suspension

    Just try to fix your GC Key and change it
  4. M

    Academic suspension

    Ohh so since 8 months ago you were not able to inform IRCC about the change of DLI
  5. M

    Academic suspension

    How long ago did you get your first suspension from the first college? And yeah I guess you should change the gckey because if you try waiting it might be too late
  6. M

    Academic suspension

    Yeah and the first time you got suspended in your first college, you changed DLI right?
  7. M

    Academic suspension

    And since your study permit is still valid and if you can get into a new college and change your DLI and inform IRCC I don’t think that will be a problem
  8. M

    Academic suspension

    Ohh damn 2 different DLI’s. Well I heard if you get suspended you won’t be able to get PGWP unless you go into a full time program in another college and apply for PGWP when you done with that college.
  9. M

    Academic suspension

    Get into a new school a change DLI or do you want to go back?
  10. M

    Wrong Expiry Date on Study Permit

    Hi I am having the same issue and I called them, they said they would fix the date but I’ve not received the physical copy yet. Did you receive the physical copy of the new one before you re applied?
  11. M

    Study Permit extended but wrong details

    Did you get a reply? And how did you solve the issue?
  12. M

    Wrong Expiry Date on Study Permit

    Hi I am having the same issue and I called them, they said they would fix the date but I’ve not received the physical copy yet. Did you receive the physical copy of the new one before you re applied?
  13. M

    Academic suspension

    I got an academic suspension for 2 semesters, my study permit expires in September but I started the renewal process before I got the suspension it’s been over a month since I started the renewal process and I IRCC sent me the letter of correspondence already but before my suspension I got...
  14. M

    Academic suspension

    I got an academic suspension for 2 semesters, my study permit expires in September but I started the renewal process before I got the suspension it’s been over a month since I started the renewal process and I IRCC sent me the letter of correspondence already but before my suspension I got...