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  1. S

    Qualifi 240-credit diploma was evaluated as 1 yr by WES

    are there any better instituions than qualifi? they are offering me direct level 4 and 5 after o levels. but i think its is not much worthy for studying outside uk ? im still new to this diploma and didnt met anyone who have done it
  2. S

    Qualifi 240-credit diploma was evaluated as 1 yr by WES

    thats an issue. because they just issue diploma. would ircc be satisfied with the transcripts only?
  3. S

    Qualifi 240-credit diploma was evaluated as 1 yr by WES

    did you got the diploma? i am going for level 4 and 5 . is it worth?
  4. S

    Qualifi 240-credit diploma was evaluated as 1 yr by WES

    did you got the diploma? i am going for level 4 and 5 diploma. but i think theres not much option outside of uk for it