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    Hello, Were you able to return with your child while waiting for the certificate? If yes, what documents did you apply for assuming its a visa required country? Thanks in advance
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    Surrogacy application form

    Hi, I am kind of in the same boat as you were. Can you share any details on how you were able to resolve the documentation requirements? Thanks in advance
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    Canada PR for surrogacy child born outside Canada?

    Hi, I am trying to get the same info. Can you share how you resolved this? TThanks in advance
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    Canadian parents - Surrogacy in Africa (Nigeria); please help

    Oh no! I am so sorry. Going through the process myself, I can only imagine the agony you must have felt and still feel. I am so sorry to have dredged it up again and I pray your family finds peace and comfort. Grieve and if/when you feel up to it, try again. All the best
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    Canadian parents - Surrogacy in Africa (Nigeria); please help

    Hiya In the same boat right now. Would you mind sharing your experience? Thanks in advance :)