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  1. L

    Second Generation Canadian?

    Sounds like that this approach will get everyone possible to qualify that didn't have the opportunity before 2009. Although the case that went to court were those who had a substantial connection with their children born after 2009, those before 2009 were going to need to be rectified somehow...
  2. L

    Second Generation Canadian?

    Rather the born after 2009 are the most important or relevant I think isn't the point. I think it's priority for Ottawa because that's the group that won their case. Now to be honest with those on here I'm not sure what section 3(1)(e) is. But I've heard about the August 14th, 2004. Would that...
  3. L

    Second Generation Canadian?

    https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/may-2024/lost-canadians-citizenship-act/ New to posting links on here, but here's a new article related to citizenship act changes. From what I'm reading it seems like the details of what's going to happened are unknown, but it seems like there's going to...
  4. L

    Second Generation Canadian?

    More of a question but what do you think will end to happening 1. For those born after 2009 2. For those born before 2009, had the opportunity to apply (age 28 rule) and got refused or just simply didn't apply either intentionally or honestly didn't know 3. For those born before 2009 but didn't...
  5. L

    Second Generation Canadian?

    Curious on what people think will happen in regards to changes that are going to be made. I've been reading about a connection test which I can understand for those born after the original date of the first generation cutoff. However what about those who still don't have citizenship due to the...
  6. L

    Second Generation Canadian?

    I didn't know how to phrase it, but very well said about the last paragraph. Canada while trying to "right their wrongs" (and yes I put that in quotation marks satirically) knew they were leaving people out and still creating different classes of descendants who were or weren't allowed...