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  1. LalaMoon

    June 2024 - Inland Spousal Sponsorship

    Welcome team inland - June 2024 :D You did it! Me too I did it! By that I mean sending that damn thing off o_O (it only took me 3 years and a bunch of nerves...) Let's all keep each other updated about our progress <3 Keeping our hopes up and vibes high :cool: We got this, thousands have done...
  2. LalaMoon

    Is a phone scanner allowed for uploading offical documents?

    Hi, as it comes to scanning and uploading my pass photo, birth certificates, marriage certificates etc...Do they accept scans done by conventional phone apps or will I have to scan them in a professional copyshop? thank you.
  3. LalaMoon

    IMM 0008: Have I lived in Thailand for more than 6 months?

    Hello, here's the situation: My husband (sponsor) and I have been for a total of 6 months in Thailand last year as tourists. Every 2 months, in total 2 times, we have left Thailand for a couple minutes, entered Malaysia and then re-entered Thailand to be able to continue our stay. Question...