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  1. N

    Reason for PR application rejection on medical grounds

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! This is the great news! ;D
  2. N

    REgistered Nurse

    Thank you for such a detail responce. Now I try to find out wether my MSN (MA) will help me... Good Luck!
  3. N

    REgistered Nurse

    No, I'm from Israel.
  4. N

    REgistered Nurse

    I saw you message, but somehow I can not follow the link below:( I contacted CNO, they sent me all forms, but I did not find usefull information about case like my one... However, I still don't know how to translate the name of program "hasavat akademaim le achaiot musmachot". I'll try later to...
  5. N

    REgistered Nurse

    I'm from Israel and we have special program for persons, who has BA (not medical). This program converting us to RN during 2 years. Program includes all requirements of /ministry of Health, and equal to standart RN program. In addition, I completed 2 years program for emergency nursing, and now...
  6. N

    REgistered Nurse

    Hello! Can anybody help me? (except CNO, that is not slear). If I'm RN but I did not graduated from university, and have a diploma (not BA in nursing), can I be processedas RN by CNO? Again, my BA in art, but later I graduated from special program for RN and complited all requirements in my...