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  1. K

    Question about temporary resident status

    Great thank you for your response. I have always had a valid visitor status prior to PR (from 2019 to 2021) and I have exact dates when I have been away so there shouldn't be any concern regarding the physical presence calculator. In my case I was granted 180 days with visitor status when...
  2. K

    Question about temporary resident status

    Thank you for the reply. Do you think it will be fine if I just marked that I had a visitor status from my arrival date until I got my PR, and selected 'No' to the "Did you apply to extend your status?" question? Would they suspect it as fraudulent if did it this way?
  3. K

    Question about temporary resident status

    Hi everyone, I have a question about regarding the following question on the Citizenship application: During your 5-year eligibility period, did you have a valid temporary resident status before becoming a permanent resident? I was a visitor the whole time prior to my permanent residency and I...