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  1. B

    Visitor extension financial support letter

    I’m opologize if my explanation or English is not clear I wanted say by that, I currently have a single entry visitor visa. So I wanted to go to the United States and come back with another visa. I applied for the AVE before coming. But if you tell me it’s really a bad ira to do that...
  2. B

    Visitor extension financial support letter

    I copy all you said and try to make my research for a potential employment of the extension is not denied otherwise I’ll go at the border bake another entry visa line was not multiple entry
  3. B

    Visitor extension financial support letter

    I don’t know the answer but I’ll make deep research. Indeed the whv is too late and out of reach now you rich we didn’t plan well or plan at all it was abrupt I used to live in Japan and work there and they didn’t granted my visa I got 1 week to get out and all my expenses was for Canada. Go...
  4. B

    Visitor extension financial support letter

    Yes for the open work permit I’m not use the good term and which visa is the most appropriate at my situation I just want to work temporality in Canada for at least one year. we submit the application this morning I did what you recommend me. He screen shot his last paycheck of his compagnie...
  5. B

    Visitor extension financial support letter

    Well my plan is to apply for the temporary visa while they review my application but do you think they’ll review it or denied me right away if I don’t show the document of funds ? he said he can at least show them how much I earn with delivery
  6. B

    Visitor extension financial support letter

    Thank you for your reply, receive a reply reassure me because I don’t know what will happen of me in 4 days I can’t show my bank statement because they is nothing left unfortunately, our situation got many issues. His job is now door dash full time. I came in Canada to live with him and got...
  7. B

    Visitor extension financial support letter

    Hello everyone I’m new here and wished I found this forum long time ago, many questions without replies stress a lot I came from France with a visitor visa (6 months) to see my boyfriend and meet his parents and eventually apply for a temporary work visa. In the midtime we decided to move...