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  1. V

    London (United Kingdom) VFS Passport Submission Timeline

    Hi!! So finally some news today after 9 weeks! Patience is really key, what a journey… It has been so frustrating as this was the last step but also the longest one. We received our email this morning saying the decision enveloppe has been dispatched from the IRCC office. And we also received a...
  2. V

    London (United Kingdom) VFS Passport Submission Timeline

    It looks like VFS offices from the Nordics and some VFS office in the Middle East send their packages to IRCC London for handling of visas. So IRCC London is a mega hub for visa processing, not just for UK applications through VFS London but all these other VFS offices… I think they are severely...
  3. V

    London (United Kingdom) VFS Passport Submission Timeline

    It’s been exactly 8 weeks as of today for us (Wednesday 19th July is the day IRCC London has received our package according to the VFS Global tracker email - but no news since). Someone else on this thread finally got their visa after 9 weeks… Will let you know if I hear anything next week.
  4. V

    London (United Kingdom) VFS Passport Submission Timeline

    It could be summer too - IRCC London seems understaffed to process considerable volumes of applications, and if most of their employees would try to take leave with June-early Sept being prime European summer months this further reduces resources. Maybe resources processing Permanent residency...
  5. V

    London (United Kingdom) VFS Passport Submission Timeline

    Hi, did you receive any updates from IRCC or VFS? We have also submitted our package to VFS London on the 18th of July, and received their tracker message next day, Wednesday 19th July, ‘Your application, tracking ID No. ###### has been received and is under process at the IRCC Office on Wed Jul...