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  1. C

    Can I bring my adopted child on visitor's visa while her PR is still being processed?

    I was hoping not to need a lawyer because of their fees, but I will look into it as in the end it should be in the best interest of the family. I did not have to return to my home country in order for the adoption to be finalized, we were there physically for all the beginning proceedings but...
  2. C

    Can I bring my adopted child on visitor's visa while her PR is still being processed?

    Thank you for responding! the consultant we were working with was just a once-off, but you're right I can afford to revisit them for additional reassurance. Yes the adoption is finalized. I'll get the ball rolling and come back with an update. Thanks again.
  3. C

    Can I bring my adopted child on visitor's visa while her PR is still being processed?

    Ou little backstory: I adopted my little girl from my home country after being her legal guardian for 2 years. While her adoption was still in progress, we came to Canada in order to claim PR status. After speaking with a few immigration consultations, they advised us that we would be able to...
  4. C

    The date of when I passed my medical results changed???

    There has been no updates to my application since the date change
  5. C

    The date of when I passed my medical results changed???

    what is your Visa office, if I may ask?
  6. C

    The date of when I passed my medical results changed???

    The same has happened to me on my PR application, the date the medicals was passed has changed from July 8th to July 9th and I have no idea what this means. I have also been waiting on updates to my application for quite some time now