Did you mean the below?
"Parent 1" and "Parent 2" are labels - you can put either parent in.
For example, under "Parent Number 1", I put my dad's details. Under "Parent Number 2", I put my mum's details.
Hopefully that makes sense?
The 5406 is currently entered online, digitally. At least for the spouse sponsorship outside Canada. There is no form to print and scan (only realised after I spent ages trying to validate the 5406 PDF). Information for forms 5406, 0008, 5669 and 5562 is put in via the website and "validated" at...
Hi - I submitted my application this week. The 5406 is done electronically so you manually enter the details and digitally sign (type) at the end - there is nothing to upload. Lots of stress for nothing!
I uploaded a screenshot of the digital forms for my application here, but the 5406 is there...