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    Ielts expires during visa processing

    Ok Thank you, iam scared actually
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    Ielts expires during visa processing

    Hi so they won't make any issues
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    Ielts expires during visa processing

    I got my visa approved last day but IELTS validity is till June and iam traveling by August 22 will officer create any issues, Meanwhile I wrote another IELTS but I got 5.5 for one module.so, can I use this one or need to write again?? Please do let me know What happens if my IELTS validity over...
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    Traveling with expired IELTS

    Ok Thankyou
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    Traveling with expired IELTS

    Will officer check validity ..I got visa approval then recently Port entry letter that's it..but IELTS validity till June , iam traveling by August
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    Traveling with expired IELTS

    Yes Visa approved , stamped
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    Traveling with expired IELTS

    Hi iam student planning to go canada , fall intake but my IELTS get expired by June will it create issues ?? Should I write again
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    What does this GCMS medical mean?

    Hey my gcms says 'No health impairment sufficient to prevent admission for medical reasons' this means I had any issues that is reason for student visa refusel