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  1. K

    SINP online application status: "Waiting On Applicant"

    I got file, where was written that I got SINP. This document is written in 'pdf' format. There is my Nomination Number on it. I have a question: Can I check somewhere in Internet(online) that this is the truly document(not a fake)?
  2. K

    SINP online application status: "Waiting On Applicant"

    It was sent online. Where can check its status?
  3. K

    "Waiting on Applicant" ???

    Hi, How can I check my status on SINP? Can you answer me? Thanks
  4. K

    SINP online application status: "Waiting On Applicant"

    Hi, How can I check my "Application Status" on SINP online? Can you give a hyperlink? Thanks