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Search results

  1. J

    Clarification on Employment Offer for current position

    I have received an ITA and currently filling up my application for EE under PNP stream. Under "Work history" it ask for if I have a job offer. I am aware that a "valid job offer" for EE purpose (ie. getting that 50 points) requires a job offer supported by LMIA. However, my initial job offer...
  2. J

    Question about eligibility for FSW

    Thanks, so just to confirm, if I can proof that I have $16,570, even without a "job offer" I will be eligible for FSW? Also, does the proof of fund needs to be all in my own name? Or can it be under the name of my partner?
  3. J

    Question about eligibility for FSW

    Please see above thanks. Also I am working in Canada so I believe that proof of fund requirement can be waived?
  4. J

    Question about eligibility for FSW

    $10k. Does that matter in the decision for FSW eligibility? My marriage status sure is common-law and I am applying with a partner.
  5. J

    Question about eligibility for FSW

    I was wondering why isn't it possible for someone to be eligible for FSW without foreign work experiences? I graduated from a university in BC, and went on to work full time in Canada for more than 1 year. I do not have foreign work experiences. I was looking at my EE profile and noticed that...
  6. J

    Declaring common-law

    Thank you, yes we are currently living together in Canada. We both are working full-time on PGWP. Of course we both wish to get PR as soon as we can, but the concern will be that the cut-off for a draw might be between 464 and 471, and hence, I would miss what could be an ITA if I were to apply...
  7. J

    Declaring common-law

    It will be 471 vs 464, so a 7 point difference. The thing is this, my partner doesn't really need my sponsorship since she currently already qualifies to apply for BC PNP (paper method) and will be eligible for CEC sometime next year. My concern is that is it a legal requirement to declare...
  8. J

    Declaring common-law

    Is it a legal requirement to declare common-law in EE application (I am applying through CEC stream)? The question is because my CRS score will actually be higher if my status is set to single instead of common-law. However, I am indeed living co-ed with my partner for over 1 year so...
  9. J

    Full time in student gap time to applying PGWP

    A few things here, let's clarify those one at a time: During the time between the completion of your first course, and the start of your 2nd course, as long as your study permit does not expire, or you are on "implied-status", you can work full-time without a work permit [Section 186(v)(iii)]...
  10. J

    Entering Co-op work experience in EE Profile

    I have 16 months of continuous full-time working experience, and I am now working full-time for the past 9 months. I currently have an EE profile, and noticed that the system flags me as "eligible" for Canadian Experience Class. I am aware that coop work experience does not count towards...
  11. J

    Just got my PGWP, eligibility for Express entry - FSW vs CEC

    I have similar experience as @theBeard. So can I confirm that even if for example I have 8 months coop+4 months part time (under study permit) +6 month full-time all with the same company, doing the same job, with not even a single day of break in my contract, I will still not be eligible for FSW?
  12. J

    Discrepancy in EE steams in profile

    Some background about my work history: I was on co-op in one company (A) from May-Dec 2020, followed by co-op in another company (B) from Jan-Aug 2021. There is a 1-week break between that 2 experiences to to co-op job scheduling. After which I worked part-time for company B while I complete my...
  13. J

    Post Graduate Work Permit Processing Time (PGWP)

    I am sensing there is a bit more to your situation here so I just want to clarify some stuff: From the date of the Letter of Completion (LOP) from your university/college, your student status ends with immediate effect, which means you are no longer authorized to study in Canada unless either...
  14. J

    Post Graduate Work Permit Processing Time (PGWP)

    According to https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/work-canada/permit/temporary/extend/after-apply.html we are still allowed to work even though WP-EXT has expired.
  15. J

    Post Graduate Work Permit Processing Time (PGWP)

    I've applied for PGWP online (within Canada) on Jan 6, 2022 and still waiting... My WP-EXT has already expired..