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Search results

  1. G

    To Visitor Visa (before marriage) or not?

    Thank you guys for taking the time to respond. I really appreciate it.
  2. G

    To Visitor Visa (before marriage) or not?

    Hi All, I would really appreciate some honest feedback on the pros and cons by the members, and/or any better alternate options, if there are any. I am a Citizen of Canada( PR turned citizen) and will be getting married in April 2023 in India. The girl is based in India (Chennai), and I am...
  3. G

    August 2021 - Citizenship Applicants

    For those wondering or worried about 27 months processing time, here's my two cents. The timelines will be adjusted based on 80% of existing backlog applications and 20% of SLA. So at the moment that time comes to 27months. So once the backlogs start clearing the 27 months will get auto adjusted...