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  1. C

    April 2021 Inland Spousal Sponsorship

    We haven’t heard anything since may27th when we got our temp aor. What should I do ?
  2. C

    April 2021 Inland Spousal Sponsorship

    Yup still waiting ours reached their April 12th and got our temp aor May 27. Nothing since then
  3. C

    February 2021 Inland Spousal Sponsorship

    Yeah we also did a paper application and aren’t having any luck licking it online. Hoping we hear something in the next few weeks
  4. C

    April 2021 Inland Spousal Sponsorship

    Same. Got temporary AOR May 27th and haven’t heard anything since then. ‍♀️
  5. C

    February 2021 Inland Spousal Sponsorship

    Applied mid April. Got temp aor May 27. Haven’t heard anything since then . We did a paper application aren’t able to link our application online very frustrating
  6. C

    April 2021 Inland Spousal Sponsorship

    Doesn’t work on either accounts
  7. C

    April 2021 Inland Spousal Sponsorship

    Just a question. I’m sponsoring my husband so in order to link the application does it have to on his account or mine?