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  1. R

    PR portal waiting for photo approval

    I received my Pr card last week but my wife is still waiting. Btw even though I received my pr card, pr portal still says my photo is in review with IRCC
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    PR portal waiting for photo approval

    I recently got my eCOPR and photo was still in review with IRCC. Today I noticed my photo disappeared from Pr portal. It says file not uploaded. Have anyone experienced this problem?
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    Ecopr in Calgary office

    I finally received eCOPR today but photo is still in review
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    Ecopr in Calgary office

    Oct 12th - Updated photo and address. Still waiting my eCOPR.
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    PR portal waiting for photo approval

    I've been waiting my eCoPR since Oct 14th. My address and photo is still in reviewing with IRCC.
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    share you timeline for getting eCoPR/PR card approved in PR Confirmation Portal

    Hi guys. I've got second invitation to PR portal today but I already provided the asked information 2 months ago. When I checked Pr portal right now photo and address still in review with IRCC. Is there anybody in this situation?
  7. R

    Second invitation to PR portal 4 months after receiving ecopr?

    Did you guys have any update about your cases? I've got second invitation to PR portal today but in my case I haven't gotten the ecopr yet even photo and address still in review with IRCC on Pr Portal.
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    Recently Married - How to add my wife to my Pr Application?

    Hi. An update for you guys. I informed Ircc about my marriage and sent the documents they required from us. We didn't apply for work permit. They started to process her Pr application too but we are still waiting the result.
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    My spouse is not under my Pr application

    My wife is here in Canada with me. She came here with tourist visa. We didn't receive any confirmation or application number for my wife.
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    My spouse is not under my Pr application

    Thank you for reply. Thank you. I will wait 1 more month and contact with them.
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    My spouse is not under my Pr application

    Hello. I am a protected person and have an ongoing Pr application. I got married beginning of this year and I sent the documents that they required from me for adding my spouse to my application to IRCC but still I don't see her name under my appication when I check my gckey account. When I...
  12. R

    Recently Married - How to add my wife to my Pr Application?

    Hello. I'm protected person in Canada and I have a Pr application in progress. (I haven't received my CoPR yet) I recently got married and my wife is here with visitor visa. (South Korean). How can I add her to my Pr application? Is it possible to apply to Open Work Permit for her?
  13. R

    Can my soon to be wife stay in Canada with me?

    Thank you for your reply. So even though I add her to my pr application she needs to leave country after 180 days and she cannot stay here with me until I get my pr + I sponsor her. Do I understand correctly?
  14. R

    Can my soon to be wife stay in Canada with me?

    Hello. I'm a protected person in Canada and I have an ongoing Pr application. My girlfriend is Korean and she is in Korea right now. We are planning to get married. If she come to Canada with visitor visa(eta) and we marry here, can I add her to my pr application? Can she stay here with me?