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  1. C

    Housing crisis in Canada

    I've probably mentioned it before but the housing crisis is a 50/50 issue for Canadians. Half benefit from the crisis and would like to continue (like who doesn't like 6 figure tax free gains year over year) while the other half can't get in/afford the rise to upgrade/stuck renting. It sucks for...
  2. C

    Housing crisis in Canada

    Halifax is dealing with its own housing problems and the local Atlantic people are fed up with others moving into the area and inflating housing prices. Lots of recent incidents of crime against people moving into the Halifax area (slashing tires, egg throwing, etc.) since the locals are being...
  3. C

    Housing crisis in Canada

    Just head around the GTA on a normal weekend and you'll see the 500-600 people weddings/reception happening. And half the halls aren't even checking vaccine status, they could care less.
  4. C

    Housing crisis in Canada

    For those getting in the past few years, sure. But for someone who has bought pre-2015/2010, like I've mentioned, even a 50% drop in prices means I still don't break even and make a huge profit. There is a lot of wealth made during the pandemic through stock market, real estate and reduced...
  5. C

    Housing crisis in Canada

    People are spending like crazy already and we're still not out of the pandemic. Have you been around Brampton, Mississauga, Oakville? Heck even downtown Toronto you see bars filled and weddings going on like no tomorrow. There has been a huge wealth accumulation by segments of the GTA/GVA and...
  6. C

    Housing crisis in Canada

    I don't disagree with your points but at the same time, I highly doubt or foresee housing prices ever coming down. But I can tell you, people don't own shoebox condos or properties outside the GTA. It would surprise you when most own in the GTA and those single family homes in the suburbs or...
  7. C

    Housing crisis in Canada

    Fair. My point is, rather keep the status quo than do anything. Quite frankly, its helping me too so I ain't complaining either
  8. C

    Housing crisis in Canada

    To be honest, I don't see any pressure coming. The Liberal government is happy to keep things status quo and frankly, if you are a home owner, you have no problem seeing these prices keep going up. There are tons of young people in the housing market that own 2 or more properties (I think the...
  9. C

    Housing crisis in Canada

    I've been seeing the opposite. You have seniors 65-70 who retire, have CPP and sell their property with immense TAX-FREE gains on their primary residence and move out of Toronto/Vancouver to the countryside or other parts of the country (Halifax, Winnipeg, etc.). Buy a smaller property for a...
  10. C

    Housing crisis in Canada

    Look at the other side of the housing crisis. There are people making hundreds of thousands of dollars profiting from the increase in real estate. If you own multiple properties or even one, you're golden. Why would you want the market to go the other way? Keep the status quo, immigrants won't...
  11. C

    Indirect route from India

    How is it racist when the facts are clear Indians are bringing fake COVID tests to travel? They are on the list of restricted countries with Morocco due to their inability to be trusted. India was part of the general international travel restrictions until the facts on the ground showed flights...