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  1. laroly_rola

    Colombia Police Certificate Request Followed By AOR - Confused on next steps

    Hola! volviste a aplicar con Omnitempues para que manden un nuevo certificado? Te funcionó? Estoy que hago lo mismo!! Nada que responden a mis Webforms!!
  2. laroly_rola

    Colombia Police Certificate Request Followed By AOR - Confused on next steps

    Hola a tod@s. alguien por acá hizo el proceso de nuevo con Omnitempus o G4S y tuvo buenos resultados? Hice el proceso con G4S y ellos enviaron a la embajada en Febrero de 2024 y aún el IRCC no tiene mi PCC. Entonces estoy pensando en volverlo a tramitar ya que La embajada de Colombia no...
  3. laroly_rola

    Colombia Police Certificate Request Followed By AOR - Confused on next steps

    Hola! Te respondieron de la embajada de Canadá en Bogotá?? Esa es la que recibe de omnitempus y envía a la oficina que tramita tu caso. O recibiste respuesta de la oficina que tramita tu aplicación y en ese caso es la embajada la que no ha hecho la vuelta?
  4. laroly_rola

    Colombia Police Certificate Request Followed By AOR - Confused on next steps

    Hola!! Podrías compartir si hiciste algo especial para que la embajada de Bogotá haga el envío del PCC? Yo apliqué desde Febrero y have poco me respondieron que aún no han recibido mi PCC :( También he enviado Webforms a la embajada de colombia y NO RESPONDEN :(
  5. laroly_rola

    Colombia Police Certificate Request Followed By AOR - Confused on next steps

    Una pregunta, cómo sabes que ya llegó? Te envían un correo o preguntaste por webform? Gracias!!
  6. laroly_rola

    Colombia Police Certificate Request Followed By AOR - Confused on next steps

    Qué buena noticia!! Me alegra mucho. Creo que me va a tocar hablar con un MP :s gracias por tu info!!
  7. laroly_rola

    Colombia Police Certificate Request Followed By AOR - Confused on next steps

    Hola! Nada por mi lado. Apliqué a la residencia en Febrero y mi PCC fue enviado a la embajada de Bogotá en Febrero y desde entonces no tengo respuesta. Ya todo en mi tracker está completado, excepto el background check. Mandé hace unas semanas un webform para saber si ya recibieron el PCC y...
  8. laroly_rola

    February 2024 Inland Spousal Sponsorship

    Did you receive any notification that the final decision had been updated or were you just regularly checking your gckey? Thanks!
  9. laroly_rola

    February 2024 Inland Spousal Sponsorship

    Yay!!! Congrats! We’re almost there!!
  10. laroly_rola

    Colombia Police Certificate Request Followed By AOR - Confused on next steps

    We know we won’t physically receive the police certificate. However, we have all received a letter from ircc that our police certificate is missing, when we’ve all done the process with G4S or Omnitempus. They’ve done their part of sending it to the Bogota Embassy, the Bogota embassy has failed...
  11. laroly_rola

    Colombia Police Certificate Request Followed By AOR - Confused on next steps

    A mediados de Febrero. Como al mes me mandaron la carta pidiendo el certificado y ahí llamé y les mandé como 3 webforms a la embajada de colombia y hasta ahora no han respondido nads
  12. laroly_rola

    Colombia Police Certificate Request Followed By AOR - Confused on next steps

    Sigo esperando. Hasta ahora lxs aplicantes de febrero están empezando a tener respuesta de ircc, entonces aún no me han dicho nada, espero saber en las próximas semanas si me aprueban o me vuelven a pedir el certificado
  13. laroly_rola

    Common-law, inland: Applying for OWP without AOR

    I did this and it all went great! I applied for the inland pr like 2 weeks before my permit expired and then I applied for the OWP 2 days before the expiry of my PGWP. I received my OWP 3 weeks after that! Just make sure you give all additional documentation they ask and if you want to be on...
  14. laroly_rola

    Inland APR Eligibility Decision Letter

    That’s completely normal. Only now December and January applicants are receiving background check completion and portal invites +eCOPR, and they had AIP in like February or march. I’m a February applicant and I received AIP in march, very fast. Haven’t heard anything since. Rn inland...
  15. laroly_rola

    March 2024 Inland Spousal Sponsorship

    I went timo the one in downtown toronto, at victoria st
  16. laroly_rola

    March 2024 Inland Spousal Sponsorship

    I got my OHIP extended with that WP-Ext letter!! As long as you are employed and take all the necessary documents + that letter, you should be good to apply for OHIP!
  17. laroly_rola

    Colombia Police Certificate Request Followed By AOR - Confused on next steps

    Hola! Desafortunadamente no. Igual los casos de sponsorship se están demorando. Lo que he visto es que los aplicantes de Enero hasta ahora están recibiendo background check completado y recibiendo correos portal 1 y 2 (mandar datos y eso para la tarjeta pr) Entonces quizá en el próximo mes yo...
  18. laroly_rola

    February 2024 Inland Spousal Sponsorship

    Nice! Last time I checked it was 12 months, it went down to 11 now. I check here https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/check-processing-times.html and it used to say that they based that calculation on 80% of the applications they have processed. Now it...
  19. laroly_rola

    February 2024 Inland Spousal Sponsorship

    This is completely normal! Right now, 80% of inland applications outside of Quebec are taking around 12 months to complete according to IRCC. December applicants are just starting to hesr about portal emails and eCOPR, so we’re still like 2 months away from hearing something I’d say
  20. laroly_rola

    Received biometric instruction letter before paying???

    Your thoughts and opinions are absolutely unnecessary if you’re not helping the OP tbh This is a forum to help people, not to shame them. You do that a lot in here and it’s getting annoying