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    MEP: 26 Oct 2021 BIL and BI Complete and Updated: 26 Oct 2021
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    ITA: 1 Sept 2021 AoR: 2 Sept 2021 No update so far. UCI is still starting with CAN.
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    >>>>>>>SEPTEMBER 2021 AOR<<<<<<< Join here

    Thanks for sharing! I agree with your analysis. One thing very clear and nearly stated everywhere on IRCC websites is that the IRCC is prioritising applicants who are exempt from travel restrictions. We are still in the pandemic here, and unfortunately there is a lot uncertainty associated with...
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    Geotechnical Engineer NOC 2131 or 2144?

    I applied under 2144. if you look closely, 2144 includes Geotech but 2131 does not. Nevertheless, it is always recommended to check outlined duties and responsibilities for each NOC and find out which one suits your current job the most, not your degree though.
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    >>>>>>>SEPTEMBER 2021 AOR<<<<<<< Join here

    Buddy, do you know EE used to be both paper based and electronic and the system has been updated to fastrack the process? Do you know that now EE processes cases much quicker because of that? Do you know that IRCC needed to adopt to electronic bases during 2020 pandemic where unfortunately those...
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    Hello! I am kindly seeking for some advise from you guys on my AINP application as I am in quite a bit pickle. I have submitted the AOS application 2 weeks ago. Recently, I have received the NOI from Alberta. The AINP office only allows one application cross all streams, this means that I may...
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    AINP - SRS H1B Landing Experience and post landing related activities.

    Good morning! I am seeking for some advise on my AINP application as I am in quite a bit pickle. I have submitted the AOS application 2 weeks ago. Recently, I have received the NOI from Alberta. The AINP office only allows one application cross all streams, this means that I may have to drop...
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    ANIP - AOS Total Years of Work Experience Question

    Good evening guys, I am little bit confused with the AOS application regarding the total years of work experience up to date. I am required to put in work experience in the last 18 months, so does that mean I will only need to count years of work experience in the last 18 months? If not, does...
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    Post Graduate Work Permit Processing Time (PGWP)

    An application submitted on May 14 got approved today. Good luck!
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    Post Graduate Work Permit Processing Time (PGWP)

    Yes! Honestly, if you did obey the immigration policies you are fine and the approval is just a matter of time. Best of luck in your future!
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    Post Graduate Work Permit Processing Time (PGWP)

    Right, your stress and frustration is understandable. Unfortunately, the fact is that you missed one of the requirements as per IRCC. It is likely that you would be determined ineligible for the post graduate work permit program, and your application may be refused on ground of ineligibility. I...
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    Post Graduate Work Permit Processing Time (PGWP)

    Calm down. It literally depends on the officer whom your case got assigned to. Your case is probably waiting in the queue to be processed. Some of them are working faster than the other. Lots of people graduated recently and they are experiencing high volume of applicants. The processing time...
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    Date first became qualified to practice in this occupation

    Hi there! Hope you are doing well! I'm in the same situation and would like to apply for Federal Skill Worker Program. I am wondering what date did you use for your application? Thanks in advance for the help!