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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Thanks,any one else who has done PCR from pakistan for Canada?
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    HI all,any idea which are approved laboratories of pakistan for PCR covid testing for Canada?
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    ALhamdulillah got COPR today,Jan 2020 Aplicant.
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Alhamdulliah my spouce got PPR today from Warsaw office Poland .,Jan2020 Applicant,First medical Feb2020,.File moved to LVO,ADr 11 November,Remedical and pre arrival 17 March, REMedical passed 7 April 2021.DM 12 April and PPR 23rd April.
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Sorry to hear that just one question .did you get refusal in Email (CIC account) or paper letter?
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    how is PPR coming now a days by letter to Principal applicant address or through email on CIC account?
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    Submitted ADR 12 December, 2020,got remedical on 17 March 2021.
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    My spouse applied in January 2020 and she got pre-arrival letter although this is my second Marriage.Means bit comlicated case but still got Pre-Arrival letter in 14 months ,(16 march )definately the file was in some smart and active migration officer hands
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    SPOUSAL Sponsorship PAKISTAN @ London Visa Office

    In my experience its all depend on the visa officer ,some visa officer are active spend more times on files and mostly are lazy ,but question is why mostly pakistani nationals atleast take 12-15 months for getting ppr and on the other hand mostly Indian applicant in 6-8 months.My neighbourer got...