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  1. M

    ****October 2020 Inland Spousal Sponsorship****

    M My understanding is that with the OWP application you have implied status. The downside of that is if your OWP doesn't get approved you would need to get an extension on the visitor visa.
  2. M

    ****October 2020 Inland Spousal Sponsorship****

    Have you been able to link to your app online now that you have the number and uci?
  3. M

    ****October 2020 Inland Spousal Sponsorship****

    That is great news! Did those come by physical mail or email?
  4. M

    MSP question

    This is amazing news as I have been paying for supplemental insurance for the last 4 months since sending in my PR application. Does anyone know if getting a BC care card would also be sufficient ID to also obtain a BC driver's license?
  5. M

    ****October 2020 Inland Spousal Sponsorship****

    The spread sheet that was previously linked has a spot for the work permit. Looks like some June apps have gotten theirs.
  6. M

    ****October 2020 Inland Spousal Sponsorship****

    Yep- same here. My App was received on October 16 and I have gotten Biometric Fee Reminder and a temporary file number. I see posts mentioning spreadsheets for tracking. How do we access those?
  7. M

    Waiting on Inland PR Application - Do I need to extend my visitor Visa?

    Yes I did apply for an Open Work Permit at the same time.
  8. M

    Waiting on Inland PR Application - Do I need to extend my visitor Visa?

    I am waiting on an Inland spousal PR app but am coming up on 6 months in the country. Do I need to apply for an extension on my visitor visa or does the application in process give me implied status?