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  1. G

    Can I handwrite N/A on printed documents?

    Hello, this may be a silly question, but I’ve already completed and filled out all of my forms. When I was going over the basic guide, I realized I need to write N/A in empty spaces. Can I handwrite this, or should I go back into my computer, type N/A in the PDF then print them again? Only...
  2. G

    Can't Print Validated PDFs

    I figured out a way to get the PDFs to print. When I click print, I then click “save to PDF” which creates a new file. The new file is printable :)
  3. G

    Can't Print Validated PDFs

    Hello, this is my first time posting here, but I've read lots of posts from this website and I've found it very informative. My wife and I are applying to sponsor me through the outland spouse/family class sponsorship. I just validated forms IMM 008, IMM 5669, and IMM 1344, but now I'm unable...
  4. G

    Spousal sponsorship

    I have a question. I only have 9 photos of my wife an I together. Could I include photos we took while we were together? For example: a photo of my wife posing with my car, or a photo she took of me in her neighborhood in Montreal?