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  1. F

    February 2020 Inland Sponsorship

    Hi Eeyore95, thanks for the information. Just wondering when you said application received feb 11 2020. when did you send the application and when they acknowledged? can you tell us pls? I sent out application on Dec 2020 but there is no update or acknowledgement petter. Regards FR
  2. F

    Spousal sponsorship

    Thank you! so in explanation letter mentioning cash job will not be a problem?
  3. F

    Spousal sponsorship

    Thank you. So letter of employment needs the store /restaurants name with address and contact where my partner used to do odd jobs for cash. and he also did some freelance editing home base cash job. so do you think it will be ok to mention or it will put him in trouble? he doesn't have SIN and...
  4. F

    ****October 2020 Inland Spousal Sponsorship****

    I went coupls of lawyer they asked $4k + tax and plus application fees. I backed out cause I am gonna collect all the papers, write all the letters, fill out all the forms and they will just do the review and its too expensive I would rather make myself educated and apply by myself. I just...
  5. F

    Spousal sponsorship

    Hi everyone, I am PR and I am preparing the relationship summary letter for the inland spouse sponsorship who is out of status atm but I am so confused about the structure to follow. I tried to browse the web to have a sample but I don't see any. All I can find sample of the letter from Friends...
  6. F

    Inland out of status spouse relationship summary letter sample required

    Hi everyone, I am preparing the relationship summary letter for the inland spouse sponsorship but I am so confused about the structure to follow. I tried to browse the web to have a sample but I don't see any. All I can find sample of the letter from Friends and family. Is there anyone who can...