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Search results

  1. S

    Right of Permanent Residence Fee - Applying through UK

    Hi, Yeah I did some searches but couldn't find any information that was udpated for 2011 (all related to 2010) so had the small hope that 2011 would have faster times. thanks
  2. S

    Right of Permanent Residence Fee - Applying through UK

    Hi, I was hoping someone could shed some light for me and my fiance. I am canadian and he is english so we are applying through the London UK office. We received a letter via email asking to pay the Right of Perm Residence fee. We paid it online the second we received the letter and sent off the...
  3. S

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Hi! I'm new to this forum but was hoping someone could help me! My fiance and I are waiting for his visa to come through. Currently I'm in Canada and he lives in the UK. the distance sucks as does the visa process. Anyways, we didn't know about the Right of Permanent Residency Fee until we go...